So today marks the 9 month anniversary of me and Tanner. Yes I am the girl that keeps track of all the months! I feel like it is okay to do that for the first year. I have had the most incredible nine months with him. He makes me happier than I have ever been before! We drive each other crazy at times(what couple doesn't?), but there isn't anything we can't handle.
We have had the most incredible times together, and since we are at nine months.. Here are nine of my favorite memories with Tanner.
- My first favorite memory is actually the first time I really started falling for him. It was his birthday and we went down to Park City and Salt Lake. What is really funny is that we spent the whole drive down to Salt Lake fighting and we weren't even officially dating yet. I was pissed at him for something and he was able to calm me down and if you know me at all, once I get heated its hard to calm me down. So it was the first time that I really saw that he could take care of me and calm me down and that we could work through our problems. After our fight, the day really turned around for the better and we had a lot of fun. I think this was our first actual date as well so it was fun to be out and spending time together.
- So my second favorite memory actually happened before my first memory. It was our first all night phone call. And I think everyone knows what I am talking about. The phone call where you just sit and talk for hours, about everything and anything. Both of us pretty much spilled our guts about our whole entire lives and what made us who we are today. This was the first time that we REALLY got to know each other. I love this memory because this is the first time both of us knew we liked each other.
- My next favorite memory was probably the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. We had been to his parents house, which is two hours away, and so we had the whole way there and back to just talk about us and what we wanted in our lives. And I think at that point both of us really started to realize we wanted the same things out of life and we were a lot alike. So when we got back from his parents house we went over to his apartment and were laying on his bed. We were still talking about whatever we were talking about and up to that point neither one of us had said I love you yet, but we had both done the hinting at it. Not quite saying it, but saying we "loved spending time with each other." So while we were talking he turned to me and said, "Kelsey, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Probably the two greatest things he has ever said to me within seconds of each other.
- My next favorite memory I know is going to surprise Tanner. It's the first time he ever took me snowboarding. We just went up the canyon to his favorite spot. The reason that it is going to surprise him is because I complained the whole entire time about how much I hated it. And yes, I hated it. I suck at snowboarding. But its a favorite memory because it was the first time I got to experience something he loved. He loves snowboarding and I could just tell that day how much he loved it and how happy it makes him.
- This will probably come as no surprise to anyone but another favorite memory of mine was Christmas. Christmas is pretty much my favorite holiday, so it was incredible being able to spend it with Tanner. We spent the day down at my families house, opening presents, breakfast, and just hanging out. My favorite part though was when it was just Tanner and I later that night. I love to spoil people, especially him, so I was in heaven buying all his presents and watching him open them. Plus he did a great job himself at picking out presents for me. It was just a great day to show how much we loved each other.
- My sixth favorite memory is another snowboarding memory, and like I said these are all going to shock Tanner. But this time when we went snowboarding we just went to Old Main Hill super late at night. I think it had just snowed so it was all powdery. I still suck at snowboarding so I was falling left and right, but Tanner showed his patients with me and would help me back every time and dealt with all my fits about how I hated snowboarding. But now that I think back it was a really great night. I gained really good progress snowboarding, plus we were doing something Tanner loved, and to top it off he really showed me how much he loved me that day by how patient he was being.
- So I am getting out of order here but I want to save my two most favorite memories for last. This one was a couple weeks ago for the fourth of July. I love July because its my birthday month, but also there are FIREWORKS. I love fireworks and I love that I got to watch them with Tanner. So every year there are fireworks at USU's stadium and I was dying to see them. So we piled pillows and blankets in the back of Tanner's truck and drove around till we found a place on the side of the road so we could watch the fireworks. We set up the "bed" in the back of his truck. We were about an hour early so we just sat and talked till the show started. It was great just talking to him, but it was also really romantic sitting in the back of a truck watching fireworks.
- The Color Festival is one of my favorite memories ever. It was the funnest thing ever. We went with my best friend and her friend. And the color festival is fun to begin with even if you went by yourself you would have a great time, but it was so great going with Tanner and Chelsi! There is just something about getting all dirty and colorful that you can't beat.
- So this is probably my favorite memory with Tanner ever, and I think its his too. Tanner wants to become a helicopter pilot. And he had been exploring different schools to attend. He was looking at one in Ogden and one in Boise. Of course, I wanted him to attend the one in Ogden because it was a lot closer to me. So I was going to do everything in my power to get him to go to Ogden. So I planned a date for us to show him around Ogden and also to look at the flight school. So that date started off with lunch. I took him to the Costa Vida that is right by FloRider so that he could see how awesome it was. And of course he loved it, the Californian coming out of him. After lunch we headed over to the school to have an Intro Flight, where an instructor takes him up in a helicopter and then lets him fly a little. So we were there for a while, and he was about to go up in the little two person helicopter that they usually go up in, but it wouldn't start. So instead he was able to fly in a larger helicopter, which was super lucky for me, because then he got to fly me as well. It was super fun. I had never been in a helicopter before so it was such a cool experience, plus Tanner was helping fly the helicopter so it made it twice as cool.
So those are my nine favorite memories. There are probably a million more that I just can't think of! But I am so thankful to have been able to spend the last nine months of my life with such an incredible guy. He means the world to me and I am seriously the luckiest girl alive. I love you Tanner!
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